
中文一小段翻英文 =


台灣人一到冬季就喜愛吃火鍋來禦寒 墨西哥人呢? 你們冬天喜歡吃什麼來禦寒呢? 以上請幫我翻英文 別翻譯機 拜託了


Wow 版大你不是蓋的,最佳解答率100% @ - @ 嗯,這表示你是個很有魅力且值得信任的人,所以就由Panda來幫您服務ㄅ,如下: 台灣人一到冬季就喜愛吃火鍋來禦寒。 (Taiwanese people) love to have(或eat) hot pot to ward off the cold in the winter. * hot pot = 火鍋 * ward off the cold 字面意思是 "將寒冷趕走",也就是 "禦寒"。 *也可用 "We people of Taiwan" 來取代括號裏的 "Taiwanese people",感覺更強烈,如下: We people of Taiwan love to have/eat hot pot to ward off the cold in the winter. 註: 其實火鍋英文除了 "hot pot" 以外,也有較少用到的 "Chinese fondu", "steamboat", 及 "chafing dish",尤其後兩者在美國極少被用到,還是建議用最普遍的 "hot pot"。 墨西哥人呢? 你們冬天喜歡吃什麼來禦寒呢?What about Mexicans? What do you like to eat to keep (yourselves) warm? * 括號裏的 "yourselves" (你們自己)可用可不用,純粹用來加強語氣。 * To keep warm = 保暖/取暖 * 上句已經用過 "ward off" 所以下句換個角度來寫不會單調,乃本人的作風。 Hope it helps!


Taiwan people love to eat hot pot in winter to keep warmMexico people? What do you like to eat in the winter to keep warm?|||||When winter comes, Taiwanese love to eat hot pot to resist the cold weather. How about the Mexico? What do you like to eat to keep out the cold?08BB6EBEAAF52C0C

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